Board of Directors Nominations

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Board of Directors Nominations


It is that time of year again as we near HCL Board elections! This year, we will have four Board positions vacating and we need your support. To serve on the Board is a great experience and a terrific way to get involved with our community. Your input is very valuable and HCL cannot continue to thrive without you!

We value our members and would love to have you be part of the team. Anyone who would like to learn more or to be nominated, please contact any member of the Board by October 15, or send an email to We will also need your photo and a brief 250-word bio for the Ballot.

Formal Ballots will be distributed one month prior to the November General Membership meeting, date and time still TBD as we may need to hold this virtually this year.

Currently, the four people leaving the Board are:

Sue Murphy – VP, Membership
Kat Erlich – Treasurer
Chris Gianetti – Lake & Beach
Jay Locke – Secretary

Any person who has been a current HCL member in good standing for one year is eligible to run for the Board. Board positions are decided after the new Board is selected. That is to say, the new board determines the best fit for each Board member. Think of it as running to be on the team, but not a specific position. That being said, for the position of Treasurer, it would be good to have someone with accounting experience and/or experience using QuickBooks.

The time commitment varies by position and the seasons. President/VP/Treasurer/Secretary and Activities Directors are involved year-round. Buildings & Grounds Director and especially Lake & Beach Director are busiest in the summer season, however they do commit time throughout the year. A full description of each Board position can be found at

Please thoughtfully consider contributing your time and efforts to the HCL Board. Should you have any questions, and/or want to throw your hat in the ring, again please contact any current Board member or send an email to

Thank you and we hope to see you on the ballot!