Water System Work at High Crest

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Water System Work at High Crest


A message from the Passaic Valley Water Commission:

The Passaic Valley Water Commission is committed to providing our customers with high quality water and service. As part of our on-going improvement program, we are cleaning and lining existing cast iron pipe and replacing existing 6-inch transite pipe with 6-inch diameter Class 54 ductile iron pipe in a portion of the High Crest system of West Milford. Work includes the rehabilitation and installation of new mains from the High Crest Pump Station, along Upper High Crest Road, to the High Crest Tanks at Pawnee Terrace. The work is proposed in order to have a dedicated supply main to convey all flow to the storage tanks for treatment of disinfection byproducts prior to the water entering the distribution system. Bypass piping will be required to provide continuous water service to the customers. All affected customers will be contacted as required to coordinate work at their meter. Customer service connections shall be transferred from the old pipe to the new distribution main after the new pipe has been installed, pressure tested, and disinfected. Milling and final paving of the work area, from edge of pavement to edge of pavement, shall be performed. Upper High Crest Road, between Longview Road and Mallory Road will be closed to thru traffic at various times throughout the work. Through traffic will be detoured around the block. This work is to start on or about June 25, 2020. Please call the PVWC customer service number at (973) 340-4300 during regular working hours if you have any questions.